
Nordic guidance levels for patient doses in diagnostic radiology

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Titill: Nordic guidance levels for patient doses in diagnostic radiologyNordic guidance levels for patient doses in diagnostic radiology
Höfundur: Hjardemaal, Ole ; Leitz, Wolfram ; Servomaa, Antti ; Walderhaug, Tord
Ritstjóri: Saxeböl, Gunnar ; Olerud, Hilde M.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10802/2882
Útgáfa: 26.06.2013
Ritröð: Report on Nordic radiation protection co-operation ; 5
Efnisorð: Geislalækningar; Geislameðferð
ISSN: 0804-5038
Tungumál: Enska
Tegund: Skýrsla
Útdráttur: The Nordic radiation protection authorities recommend guidance levels
for patient doses for six radiological examinations. The guidance levels
should be understood as dose constraints as recommended by the International Radiological Protection Committee, ICRP. Advice concerning measurements and interpretation of results are given, as well as possible measures. Background material for the guidance levels are given in the appendixes together with relevant information on factors influencing patient doses in diagnostic radiology.


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