
Simulation of fouling in cross-flow heat exchanger and a fouling detection based on physical modeling

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Titill: Simulation of fouling in cross-flow heat exchanger and a fouling detection based on physical modelingSimulation of fouling in cross-flow heat exchanger and a fouling detection based on physical modeling
Höfundur: Oddgeir Guðmundsson 1981 ; Ólafur Pétur Pálsson 1962 ; Halldór Pálsson 1969 ; Conference on Simulation and Modelling (50 : 2009 :Fredericia) ; SIMS 50 : 2009 :Fredericia)
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10802/10453
Útgáfa: 2009
Tungumál: Enska
Tengd vefsíðuslóð: http://www.scansims.org/sims2009/SIMS50proceedings.pdf
Tegund: Bókarkafli
Gegnir ID: 991003463869706886
Birtist í: Proceedings of SIMS 50: modeling of energy technology s. 165-172
Athugasemdir: Myndefni: Línurit.


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