
Geothermal evaluation of the Geldinganes area in SW-Iceland and proposal for assessment of the Shivert hot spring area in Mongolia

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dc.contributor Jarðhitaskóli Háskóla Sameinuðu þjóðanna is
dc.contributor.author Burentsagaan, Boldbaatar is
dc.date.accessioned 2014-10-29T18:29:02Z
dc.date.available 2014-10-29T18:29:02Z
dc.date.issued 2004
dc.identifier.issn 1670-7427
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10802/7915
dc.description Myndefni: kort, línurit, töflur is
dc.description.abstract This report deals with evaluations of two geothermal fields in different parts of the world. Temperature gradient data from 16 exploration wells, and well-test results from a prospective geothermal area in SW-Iceland, the Geldinganes area, have been re-evaluated. The results indicate an up-flow of about 105°C water along a near-vertical SSW-NNW trending geological structure from depth under the southern part of Geldinganes up to shallower formations near the north coast of the peninsula. This result contradicts an earlier conceptual model of the Geldinganes field and may explain why a production well, RV-43, directionally drilled to the north-northeast in 2001 was not successful. The permeability-thickness of the Geldinganes reservoir is estimated to be 1.5-3.0 Darcy-m. Predictions by a lumped parameter model indicate that the production potential of well HS-44 in the southern part of Geldinganes is in the range of 7-20 l/s. Preliminary evaluation of the Shivert hot spring area in central Mongolia that involved temperature data from six exploration wells indicates a clear up-flow of 80-100°C water along a high-permeability vertical fracture. The Shivert area is believed to have considerable potential, but this resource needs to be carefully and thoroughly assessed. It is expected that the methods that have been successfully applied in the Geldinganes area and other low-temperature geothermal fields in Iceland are equally applicable in Mongolia. Therefore, the experience in low-temperature geothermal exploration... is
dc.format.extent 32 s. is
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher United Nations University is
dc.publisher Orkustofnun is
dc.relation.ispartofseries United Nations University., UNU Geothermal Training Programme, Iceland. Report ; 2004-4
dc.relation.uri http://www.os.is/gogn/unu-gtp-report/UNU-GTP-2004-04.pdf
dc.subject Jarðhiti is
dc.subject Jarðhitarannsóknir is
dc.subject Jarðhitasvæði is
dc.subject Geldinganes is
dc.subject Mongólía is
dc.title Geothermal evaluation of the Geldinganes area in SW-Iceland and proposal for assessment of the Shivert hot spring area in Mongolia en
dc.title.alternative Geothermal training in Iceland en
dc.type Bók is
dc.identifier.gegnir 991005525259706886


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