
Important bird areas in Iceland 1997 : a joint progress report to the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds and Birdlife International by the Icelandic Institute of Natural history and Icelandic Society for the Protection of Birds

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Titill: Important bird areas in Iceland 1997 : a joint progress report to the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds and Birdlife International by the Icelandic Institute of Natural history and Icelandic Society for the Protection of BirdsImportant bird areas in Iceland 1997 : a joint progress report to the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds and Birdlife International by the Icelandic Institute of Natural history and Icelandic Society for the Protection of Birds
Höfundur: Ólafur Einarsson 1963 ; Náttúrufræðistofnun Íslands ; Fuglaverndarfélag Íslands ; BirdLife International ; Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10802/7839
Útgefandi: Náttúrufræðistofnun Íslands
Útgáfa: 11.1997
Ritröð: Náttúrufræðistofnun Íslands., Skýrslur Náttúrufræðistofnunar ; NÍ-97024
Efnisorð: Fuglar; Fuglavernd
ISSN: 1670-0120
Tungumál: Enska
Tengd vefsíðuslóð: http://utgafa.ni.is/skyrslur/1997/NI-97024.pdf
Tegund: Bók; Skannað verk
Gegnir ID: 991003654589706886


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