
National innovation systems and domestic multinational corporations

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Titill: National innovation systems and domestic multinational corporationsNational innovation systems and domestic multinational corporations
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10802/7804
Útgefandi: Nordic Innovation Centre
Útgáfa: 09.2006
Ritröð: Innovate, ;
Efnisorð: Nýsköpun í atvinnulífi; Erlendar fjárfestingar; Fjölþjóðafyrirtæki; Norðurlönd; Ísland; Össur (fyrirtæki); Actavis (fyrirtæki)
ISSN: 1503-9676
Tungumál: Enska
Tengd vefsíðuslóð: http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:707105/FULLTEXT01.pdf
Tegund: Bók
Gegnir ID: 991004939599706886
Athugasemdir: Annar titill: Innovation and the role of domestic multinationalsFjallað er um íslensku fyrirtækin Össur og Actavis í samanburði við fyrirtæki í Norðurlöndunum.
Útdráttur: This project has investigated outward foreign direct investments from the Nordic economies, and analysed the role domestic multinational companies play in their respective Nordic home economies. The project consisted of a desktop study of existing research, a quantitative study of FDI flows and the innovation behaviour of multinationals, and a qualitative analysis based on interviews conducted with leading managers, researchers and owner respondents in 17 Nordic domestic multinationals. Through this project, valuable insights into multinational corporate behaviour and strategy have been gained. The project explicitly addresses the home-base implications of corporate internationalisation, and provides a theoretical framework for understanding the conditions under which the foreign activities of such companies provide valuable knowledge inputs into the domestic innovation systems of the Nordic countries.


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