
Global overview of the conservation of migratory Arctic breeding birds outside the Arctic

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Titill: Global overview of the conservation of migratory Arctic breeding birds outside the ArcticGlobal overview of the conservation of migratory Arctic breeding birds outside the Arctic
Höfundur: Scott, Derek A.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10802/7527
Útgefandi: CAFF International Secretariat
Útgáfa: 1998
Ritröð: Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna., CAFF technical report ; 4Wetlands International., Publication ; 4
Efnisorð: Fuglar; Umhverfisvernd; Skýrslur; Norður-heimskautið
ISBN: 9979929472 (ób.) :
Tungumál: Enska
Tengd vefsíðuslóð: http://caff.is/expert-group-documents/view_document/44-global-overview-of-the-conservation-of-migratory-arctic-breeding-birds-outside-the-arctic
Tegund: Bók
Gegnir ID: 991011399629706886
Athugasemdir: Study report prepared by Wetlands International under contract with the Netherlands government in consultation with Russian experts ... submitted by the Russian delegation to the CAFF meeting in Nuuk, Greenland, Sept. 1997Myndefni: kort, töflur


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