
Incidental take of seabirds in commercial fisheries in the Arctic countries

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dc.contributor Bakken, Vidar 1956 is
dc.contributor Falk, Knud is
dc.contributor Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna is
dc.date.accessioned 2014-10-06T12:11:26Z
dc.date.available 2014-10-06T12:11:26Z
dc.date.issued 1998-01
dc.identifier.isbn 9979929456 (ób.)
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10802/7487
dc.description Myndefni: kort, línurit, töflur is
dc.format.extent v, 50 s. is
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher CAFF International Secretariat is
dc.relation.ispartofseries Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna., CAFF technical report ; 1
dc.relation.uri http://caff.is/expert-group-documents/view_document/46-incidental-take-of-seabirds-in-commercial-fisheries-in-the-arctic-countries
dc.subject Umhverfisvernd is
dc.subject Sjófuglar is
dc.subject Fiskveiðar is
dc.subject Norður-heimskautið is
dc.subject Heimskautasvæði is
dc.title Incidental take of seabirds in commercial fisheries in the Arctic countries en
dc.type Bók is
dc.identifier.gegnir 991002753359706886


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