
Geothermal data management at the Ministry of Energy and Mines, Nicaragua : needs assessment and legal merit for official geothermal monitoring system

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dc.contributor Jónas Ketilsson 1981 is
dc.contributor Þróunarsamvinnustofnun Íslands is
dc.contributor ICEIDA is
dc.contributor Íslenskar orkurannsóknir is
dc.contributor.author Gunnlaugur Magnús Einarsson 1981 is
dc.date.accessioned 2014-09-02T14:30:30Z
dc.date.available 2014-09-02T14:30:30Z
dc.date.issued 2009-11
dc.identifier.isbn 9789979682707 (ób.)
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10802/6711
dc.description Prepared for ICEIDA is
dc.description Myndefni: töflur is
dc.description.abstract The aim of this report is to analyse the current status of geothermal data and information management at MEM and propose improvements within the context of ICEIDA´s Geothermal Capacity Building Project in Nicaragua ..... is
dc.format.extent 26 s. is
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher Orkustofnun is
dc.relation.uri http://www.os.is/gogn/Skyrslur/OS-2009/OS-2009-008.pdf
dc.subject Jarðhiti is
dc.subject Lög is
dc.subject Reglugerðir is
dc.subject Eftirlit is
dc.subject Landupplýsingakerfi is
dc.subject Níkaragva is
dc.title Geothermal data management at the Ministry of Energy and Mines, Nicaragua : needs assessment and legal merit for official geothermal monitoring system en
dc.type Bók is
dc.identifier.gegnir 991008685689706886


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