
Telecompetition : towards a single Nordic market for telecommunication services?

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dc.contributor Samkeppnisstofnun is
dc.contributor Konkurrencestyrelsen is
dc.contributor Konkurrensverket is
dc.contributor Konkurransetilsynet is
dc.contributor Kilpailuvirasto is
dc.date.accessioned 2014-08-07T14:13:51Z
dc.date.available 2014-08-07T14:13:51Z
dc.date.issued 2004-09
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10802/6213
dc.description Samkeppniseftirlitið er aðili fyrir hönd Íslands is
dc.description Myndefni: myndir, línurit, súlurit, töflur is
dc.description International liberalisation and rapid technological development has lead to increased competition in the Nordic telecommunication industry. Increased competition on the telecommunication markets reduces the need for regulation. But will increased competition make Nordic telecommunication markets work efficiently? To answer this question it was decided to establish a working group on the Nordic telecommunication markets at the meeting between the Nordic competition authorities in August 2003.

The working group was given the task to describe the Nordic telecommunication markets, analyse the effects of competition in this particular sector, analyse the effect of horizontal and vertical integration on competition in a context of oligopoly, identify barriers to a common Nordic market for telecommunication services, analyse the interplay between competition authorities and regulatory authorities, and consider sector specific regulations’ influence on markets undergoing rapid technological development.

The following persons have participated in the working group:
Niels Rytter (chairman), Danish Competition Authority,
Henrikki Oravainen, Finnish Competition Authority,
Knut Matre, Norwegian Competition Authority,
Lau Nilausen, Danish Competition Authority,
Mikael Ingemarsson, Swedish Competition Authority,
Simen Karlsen, Norwegian Competition Authority,
Staffan Martinsson, Swedish Competition Authority,
Stefan Holm, Icelandic Competition Authority,
Timo Mattila, Finnish Competition Authority,

The working group has relied on Copenhagen Economics for the chapters 3-6 and appendixes 1 and 2. The involvement of Copenhagen Economics was only made possible by virtue of financial assistance from the Nordic Council of Ministers. The working group wishes to use this opportunity to thank the Nordic Council of Ministers for their help and cooperation.
dc.description.abstract The Nordic Working Group on "Competition in the Nordic telecom sector" has examined the telecom markets in Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden and Iceland. The purpose of the analysis is to provide recommendations on how to promote competition in the Nordic telecom sector and point at some of the most important problems in a Nordic perspective. The European regulation to promote competition in the European telecom sector has changed the sector dramatically since the beginning of the 1990ies. Public monopolies have been replaced by demand driven markets. Liberalisation combined with fast technological progress has brought considerable welfare benefits.

Telecommunication is of increasing importance to society. Telecommunication revenue as a percentage of GDP has increased considerably across the Nordic countries. In some countries it has doubled during the last decade. Telecommunication revenue constituted from 2.6 percent of GDP in Denmark to 3.4 percent of GDP in Sweden in 2001.

But the telecommunication industry is not only important by virtue of its direct contribution to GDP. The industry is also an important supplier to most other sectors and essential for communication between people. Telecommunication services are thus essential for interaction both between individuals and enterprises within countries and, to an increasing extent, across borders. In a wider perspective, telecommunication facilitates exchange of ideas and culture. And the number of individuals that can benefit from the possibilities offered through telecommunication is increasing as competition pushes down prices for customer equipment and end-user services.

Price comparisons across the Nordic countries indicate that there is room for further price reductions. Average fixed line spending (subscription + usage) for a comparable consumption profile is approximately 40 percent higher in Norway than in Iceland. And Danish high usage mobile customers pay 60 percent less than Swedish customers with a comparable consumption profile. Only part of these price differences is attributable to cost differences. Penetration rates indicate the availability of telecommunication services. Measured by penetration rates, the Nordic countries are among the top performers internationally for fixed line and mobile telephony as well as Internet access, particularly through broadband technologies. Mobile and broadband services have experienced strong growth in recent years. Market liberalisation has been a crucial driver of this development.

Market liberalisation was initiated in the early 1990ies when markets for data transmission and mobile telephony were opened for competition. Liberalisation picked up speed by the end of the last century as fixed line access and voice services were liberalised as well. The current market status is impressive considering the relatively short period of time markets have had to develop on open market conditions. As markets have matured so have consumers. Today, telecommunication services are in many aspects similar to other services or consumer goods.
dc.format.extent 149 s. is
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher Nordic Competition Authorities is
dc.relation.ispartofseries Nordic competition authorities., Report ; 1/2004
dc.relation.uri http://www.samkeppni.is/media/skyrslur95-07/telecompetition_1_2004.pdf
dc.subject Fjarskipti is
dc.subject Samkeppni í viðskiptum is
dc.subject Samkeppniseftirlit is
dc.subject Norðurlönd is
dc.title Telecompetition : towards a single Nordic market for telecommunication services? en
dc.type Bók is
dc.identifier.gegnir 991004302149706886
dc.description.ix Islandia extranea is


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