
A vision for competition : competition policy towards 2020.

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dc.contributor Kappingareftirlitið is
dc.contributor Konkurrence- og forbrugersturelsen is
dc.contributor Konkurrensverket is
dc.contributor Konkurransetilsynet is
dc.contributor Samkeppniseftirlitið is
dc.contributor Kilpailu- ja kuluttajavirasto is
dc.contributor Unammilleqatigiinnermik nakkutilliisoqarfik is
dc.date.accessioned 2014-08-07T14:12:58Z
dc.date.available 2014-08-07T14:12:58Z
dc.date.issued 2013
dc.identifier.isbn 9789188566218
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10802/6211
dc.description Samkeppniseftirlitið er aðili fyrir hönd Íslands is
dc.description Myndefni: myndir, línurit, súlurit, töflur is
dc.description Competition policy plays a central role to stimulate economic growth through the positive relationship between competition and increased productivity in the economy. Competition policy therefore forms part of a broader policy response to the challenges that globalisation, demographic changes and declining productivity growth rates pose to sustainable economic growth of the Nordic economies.

The Nordic Competition Authorities (NCAs) have a long history of cross-border collaborations. Collaborating and learning from each other’s experiences are vital to prepare and equip the NCAs with the right policy tools and powers to be as effective as can be. This is of particular importance in a long-term perspective where an ever-changing world poses constant challenges to competition policy. In August 2011, at a meeting between the NCAs in Helsinki, Finland, the Director-Generals decided to form a working group with the aim to publish a report on how effective competition policy and effective competition authorities can contribute to address future challenges to economic growth and welfare in the Nordic countries.

The report has identified a number of key areas which are central in this context. First, effective competition policy requires strong and active competition authorities that are equipped with the right tools and legal powers. By contrasting the NCAs’ legal powers across the Nordic countries and against the European Commission (EC), this report has identified both a need and a scope for strengthening the legal instruments to make competition policy more effective in the future. A second aspect of being an effective competition authority is the ability to evaluate the authority’s work in order to promote continuous improvement and accountability. Even though the effects of competition policy may not be easily measured in terms of an aggregate economic value, this report shows that the NCAs’ work generate positive welfare effects. Third, a crucial area identified is how effective competition policy can contribute to maintain and improve the Nordic countries’ innovation climate and capability. Here, the NCAs have a potentially important role to play in favouring innovation through the promotion of regulatory reforms that facilitate market entry and enhance competition.

Finally, the report highlights the role that competition, competition policy and the NCAs can play to increase efficiency, improve quality and availability in the public sector across the Nordic countries. Specific emphasis is put on the healthcare sector because of its significant part of public expenditure.

The report has identified three important areas where competition policy and the NCAs play, and will continue to play, an important role in the future: public procurement, including innovation procurement; the development and implementation of systems of choice in the public sector; and to ensure that public and private businesses compete on equal terms.

This report is the tenth of its kind and a result of collaborative efforts of staff members from all the NCAs. The purpose is to stimulate debate and to contribute with a pan-Nordic perspective on how competition can be improved to the benefit of consumers.

The members of the working group have been:

* Danish Competition and Consumer Authority: Lars Martin Jensen, Kathrine Thrane Bløcher and Christina Hoffgaard

* Faroese Competition Authority: Sigurd Rasmussen

* Finnish Competition Authority: Martti Virtanen and Tom Björkroth

* Greenland Competition Authority: Nicolai Odgaard Jensen

* Icelandic Competition Authority: Guðmundur Sigurðsson and Þorbergur Þórsson

* Norwegian Competition Authority: Kjell J. Sunnevåg

* Swedish Competition Authority (Coordination and Project Management): John Söderström (Project Manager), Lena Fredriksson (Deputy Project Manager) and Erik Hegelund

The working group has also received valuable assistance from colleagues across the NCAs.
dc.description.abstract Stable and sustainable economic growth is a shared goal of all Nordic economies. However, there are some challenges to this goal that are fairly similar across the Nordic countries. This report aims to discuss the role that competition, competition policy and the Nordic Competition Authorities (NCAs) - through the promotion and safeguarding of competition - can play in order to achieve the goal of sustained economic growth in a future perspective stretching towards 2020 and beyond.

The challenges to sustained economic growth highlighted in this report include, first, like for most OECD countries, a slowdown in productivity growth rates over the last decades.

Second, global competition from fast-growing economies in Asia, Africa and Latin America constitute a challenge to the competitiveness of the Nordic business sector, not only with regard to prices but also in terms of quality and knowledge content. Third, the combination of an ageing population and a shrinking share of the population of working age also challenge the goal of stable and sustained economic growth. Admittedly, these challenges call for action on a broad front and require that various policies and instruments must be put into play. As this report aims to show, competition and competition policy form part of a broader solution to these challenges.
dc.format.extent 135 s. is
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher Nordic Competition Authorities is
dc.relation.ispartofseries Nordic competition authorities., Report ; 1/2013
dc.relation.uri http://www.samkeppni.is/media/skyrslur-2013/Nordic_report____A_Vision_For_Competition_2013-22-Feb-webb.pdf
dc.subject Samkeppni is
dc.subject Samkeppniseftirlit is
dc.subject Samkeppni í viðskiptum is
dc.subject Markaðsmál is
dc.subject Norðurlönd is
dc.title A vision for competition : competition policy towards 2020. en
dc.type Bók is
dc.identifier.gegnir 991004301939706886
dc.description.ix Islandia extranea is


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