
Iceland's security and defence : report of a committee appointed by the Government.

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Titill: Iceland's security and defence : report of a committee appointed by the Government.Iceland's security and defence : report of a committee appointed by the Government.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10802/5121
Útgefandi: [Ministry of Foreign Affairs]
Útgáfa: 03.1993
Efnisorð: Varnarmál; Utanríkismál; Milliríkjasamskipti; Utanríkisráðuneytið; Þjóðaröryggi
Tungumál: Enska
Tengd vefsíðuslóð: http://www.utanrikisraduneyti.is/media/Utgafa/1970_001.pdf
Tegund: Skannað verk; Skýrsla
Gegnir ID: 991000593449706886
Athugasemdir: Skýrsla nefndar sem utanríkisráðherra skipaði 23. júní 1992


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