
Unemployment dynamics and cyclical fluctuations in the Icelandic labour market

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Titill: Unemployment dynamics and cyclical fluctuations in the Icelandic labour marketUnemployment dynamics and cyclical fluctuations in the Icelandic labour market
Höfundur: Jósef Sigurðsson 1985
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10802/4788
Útgefandi: Central Bank of Iceland, Economics Department
Útgáfa: 12.2011
Ritröð: Central Bank of Iceland., Working papers ; 56
Efnisorð: Atvinnuleysi; Vinnumarkaður; Ísland
ISSN: 1028-9445
Tungumál: Enska
Tengd vefsíðuslóð: http://cb.is/lisalib/getfile.aspx?itemid=9287
Tegund: Skýrsla
Gegnir ID: 991000667709706886
Athugasemdir: Myndefni: línurit, töflur
Útdráttur: This paper studies business cycle dynamics in the Icelandic labour market with the focus on two separate but related dimensions. First, which margin for adjustment of labour input, the extensive margin or the intensive margin, accounts for more variation in total working hours? It finds that both margins are important. Variation in employment accounts for 56% of the overall variation in total hours while variation in hours per worker contributes 44% to variation in total hours. Second, which of the two unemployment transition rates, the separation rate or the job-finding rate, drives the observed fluctuations in unemployment, and how do these transition rates move over the business cycle? The results show that fluctuations in the separation rate explain 70% of the total variation in the unemployment rate. Both transition rates are highly cyclical. The procyclical job finding rate moves roughly contemporaneously with the cycle, while the countercyclical separation rate is found to lead the cycle.


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