
PREPARED. Second Periodic report. SECTION 1: Management and resource usage summary Months 19 - 24: August 1, 2004 – January 31, 2005.

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dc.contributor.author Ragnar Stefánsson
dc.date.accessioned 2010-10-19T14:59:23Z
dc.date.available 2010-10-19T14:59:23Z
dc.date.issued 2005
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10802/363
dc.description The central objective of the project is to apply large amount of geophysical and geological observations related to the two large earthquakes in the year 2000 in the South Iceland seismic zone to develop technology for improving earthquake preparedness and mitigating risk.
The start date of the project was February 1, 2003. The general objectives of the project are described in the 12 months Management and resource usage summary. A two days workshop, i.e. the PREPARED mid-term meeting was organized in Reykjavík, January 30-31, 2004, to sum up and discuss the first 12 months of the project, and pave the road for the last part of the project.
The next 12 months of the project were a direct continuation of the previous work and based on the discussions at the mid-term meeting, to fulfill the general objectives of the project. Months 13-18 of the project were described in a Management and resource usage summary six months ago. Months 19-24 are described here. The PREPARED project was originally planned as a 24 months project, however 6 months extension of the project was accepted as well as a revised Description of Work (DOW). So now the project is a 30 months project being finished on July 31, 2005.
dc.language.iso en is
dc.publisher Veðurstofa Íslands
dc.subject Jarðskjálftar is
dc.subject Jarðskjálftamælingar is
dc.title PREPARED. Second Periodic report. SECTION 1: Management and resource usage summary Months 19 - 24: August 1, 2004 – January 31, 2005. en


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