
Capacity for Competition : Investing for an Efficient Nordic Electricity Market

Skoða venjulega færslu

dc.date.accessioned 2013-08-22T15:53:52Z
dc.date.available 2013-08-22T15:53:52Z
dc.date.issued 2007
dc.identifier.isbn 978-82-997472-3-3
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10802/3350
dc.description At the meeting between the Nordic competition authorities in Bergen 16 – 18 August 2006 the decision was taken to establish a working group to investigate the recent developments in the Nordic power market.

The working group received the following mandate: “In 2003, a Nordic working group issued a report entitled “A Powerful Competition Policy”.The working group concluded that the deregulation of the Nordic power market has been largely successful.The Group pointed out several actions that should be considered further in order to stimulate competition in the market. One of the main conclusions was that increased transmission capacity will reduce the scope for exerting market power. The sharp increase of the wholesale electricity prices since the beginning of 2006 has lead to a debate concerning the efficiency of the Nordic power market.There have been proposals to reregulate the power market in terms of stipulation of prices and production.
There is a need to reconsider the conclusion of the 2003 report in light of the recent developments. In particular, there is a need for a stocktaking as to the present capacity situation for production and transmission of electric power and to identify obstacles to increased capacity.

In their 2003 report the Nordic competition authorities recommended that the transmission cables between the Nordic countries should be strengthened. Nordel – the organisation of the Nordic transmission operators – has recommended the establishment of five transmission connections in the Nordic network. Even though these projects are considered to be socio-economic profitable many of them will not be undertaken in the foreseeable future. One possible reason is that the national system operators do not take into account possible positive externalities of the investments in the other Nordic countries.

For several years since the market reform, there have been few new investments in production capacity. Partly due to a gradual increase in demand the excess capacity of yesterday has now turned into a situation with more scarce production capacity.There is a need to study the prospects for increased utilisation of existing power plants as well as the possibilities for increased production capacity.

The working group shall study the development of the Nordic power markets since the former Nordic report from 2003.The group shall pay particular attention to present capacity situation in the transmission networks and production plants and explore the possibilities for increased capacity. The working group shall draw on already existing analyses, interview market participants and consider possible procompetitive actions.
The work shall be summarised in an English written project report that may be published if so decided by the directors general.The report will be presented at the next Nordic meeting in the fall of 2007.”

The members of the working group have been:
Lasse Ekeberg, the Norwegian Competition Authority (head)
Jacob Schaumburg Müller, the Danish Competition Authority
Ulrik Laudrup, the Danish Competition Authority
Erik Molin Schmidt, the Danish Competition Authority
Timo Mattila, the Finnish Competition Authority
Valtteri Virtanen, the Finnish Competition Authority
Snorri Stefansson, the Icelandic Competition Authority
Stig-Arne Ankner, the Swedish Competition Authority
Veronica Storlid Kvinge, the Norwegian Competition Authority
Margrethe Slinde, the Norwegian Competition Authority (head of secretariat)

The working group has had five meetings:
Oslo 3 November 2006
Copenhagen 2 February 2007
Stockholm 19 March 2007
Helsinki 4 May 2007
Reykjavik 18-19 June 2007

In addition the members of the working group have had meetings with their national energy regulators, transmission system operators and Nord Pool.
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher Norræna ráðherranefndin is
dc.relation.ispartofseries Report from the Nordic Competition Authorities ;
dc.subject Orkuver is
dc.subject Samkeppni í viðskiptum is
dc.subject Norræn samvinna is
dc.title Capacity for Competition : Investing for an Efficient Nordic Electricity Market en
dc.type Skýrsla is


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