
Estimation of the geothermal gradient of two areas in Colombia, using gravity anomalies and support vector machine

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Titill: Estimation of the geothermal gradient of two areas in Colombia, using gravity anomalies and support vector machineEstimation of the geothermal gradient of two areas in Colombia, using gravity anomalies and support vector machine
Höfundur: Matiz-León, Jhon Camilo, 1985 ; Unesco
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10802/32702
Útgefandi: Jarðhitaskóli GRÓ, Þekkingarmiðstöðvar þróunarsamvinnu
Útgáfa: 2021
Ritröð: GRÓ Geothermal Training Programme., Reports ; 2021-15
Efnisorð: Jarðhitarannsóknir; Kólumbía
Tungumál: Enska
Tengd vefsíðuslóð: https://www.grocentre.is/static/files/GTP/Publications/SixMonth2021/15-camilo.pdf
Tegund: Bók
Gegnir ID: 991016017052406886


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