
Technical specification - Debit and credit cards details and statements : ÍST TS 311:2021 = Tækniforskrift - Yfirlit debet og kreditkorta

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Titill: Technical specification - Debit and credit cards details and statements : ÍST TS 311:2021 = Tækniforskrift - Yfirlit debet og kreditkortaTechnical specification - Debit and credit cards details and statements : ÍST TS 311:2021 = Tækniforskrift - Yfirlit debet og kreditkorta
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10802/32332
Útgefandi: Staðlaráð Íslands
Útgáfa: 2021
Ritröð: Íslenskur staðall ;
Efnisorð: Rafbækur; Staðlar; Greiðslukerfi; Greiðslumiðlun
Tungumál: Enska
Tegund: Bók
Gegnir ID: 991015864654206886
Athugasemdir: Felldur úr gildi: 30.8.2022Foreword: bls. 3
Útdráttur: The joint effort to create third version of the IOBWS (Icelandic Online Banking Web Service) is described in ÍST-WA-310. This document describes the debit, credit card and card account product and is a part of the third version of IOBWS that will also support the domestic implementation of the Payment Service Directive (EU 2015/2366, also known as PSD2). In this document, debit and credit cards will be referred to as cards. This document reflects the agreement made by TN-FMÞ and is based on the analysis of the working group TN-FMÞ-VH1 business claims.


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ist_ts_311_2021_technical_specification_debit_and_credit_cards_details - 991015864654206886.pdf 1.046Mb PDF Aðgangur lokaður Heildartexti

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