
QALIBRA : cluster meeting report and minutes from the 2nd cluster meeting for the QALIBRA and BENERIS projects

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Titill: QALIBRA : cluster meeting report and minutes from the 2nd cluster meeting for the QALIBRA and BENERIS projectsQALIBRA : cluster meeting report and minutes from the 2nd cluster meeting for the QALIBRA and BENERIS projects
Höfundur: Helga Gunnlaugsdóttir 1963 ; Björn Þorgilsson 1965
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10802/31290
Útgefandi: Matís (fyrirtæki)
Útgáfa: 2008
Ritröð: Matís., Skýrslur Matís ; 03-08
Efnisorð: Fundir; Áhættugreining; Klasar (stjórnun); Aðferðafræði; Verkefnastjórnun
ISSN: 1670-7192
Tungumál: Íslenska
Tengd vefsíðuslóð: https://matis.is/wp-content/uploads/skyrslur/Skyrsla_03-08_net.pdf
Tegund: Bók
Gegnir ID: 991015401454006886
Athugasemdir: Útdráttur á ensku


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