
Icelandic V3 orders with temporal adjuncts : investigation into prosodic breaks and syntactic parsing

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Titill: Icelandic V3 orders with temporal adjuncts : investigation into prosodic breaks and syntactic parsingIcelandic V3 orders with temporal adjuncts : investigation into prosodic breaks and syntactic parsing
Höfundur: Sigríður Sæunn Sigurðardóttir 1988
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10802/28806
Útgáfa: 2020
Efnisorð: Málvísindi; Íslenska; Setningafræði
Tungumál: Enska
Tengd vefsíðuslóð: https://septentrio.uit.no/index.php/nordlyd/article/view/5279/5354
Tegund: Tímaritsgrein
Gegnir ID: 991012155909706886
Birtist í: Nordlyd : 2020; 44 (1): bls. 133-151


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