
Control systems for geothermal greenhouses in Tunisia : a study based on dynamic simulation

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dc.contributor Jarðhitaskóli Háskóla Sameinuðu þjóðanna is
dc.contributor.author Sbita, Lassaad Ben Brahim is
dc.date.accessioned 2020-06-09T17:11:41Z
dc.date.available 2020-06-09T17:11:41Z
dc.date.issued 1998
dc.identifier.issn 1670-7427
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10802/23399
dc.description Myndefni: kort, línurit, töflur. is
dc.description.abstract This paper describes the design and simulation of a complete typical geothermal project in Tunisia, including well, tank, water distribution, greenhouse and connection with the oasis irrigation. It presentes a design study based on dynamic simulation focussing on the development of control systems for a geothermal utility installation for a greenhouse heating and cooling and oasis irrigation project. The hierarchical and interconnected features of the process are first discussed, leading to appropriate problem formulation. The aspects of modelling, simulation and development of a control systems for interconnected large-scale greenhouse projects are then presented in a methodological form. Thereafter, the technical subsystems, namely, geothermal water production and distribution, greenhouse heating and climate controls are described. The report demonstrates that simulating the geothermal installation and its computer control systems is a realistic and useful step in a pre-feasibility and management study for a project of this kind. One key finding of the simulation work is that the greenhouse area can potentially be doubled through the addition of a buffer tank and suitable control equipment. is
dc.format.extent 1 rafrænt gagn (36 bls.) is
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher United Nations University is
dc.publisher Orkustofnun is
dc.relation.ispartofseries United Nations University., UNU Geothermal Training Programme, Iceland. Report ; 1998:12
dc.relation.uri http://www.os.is/gogn/unu-gtp-report/UNU-GTP-1998-12.pdf
dc.subject Jarðhiti is
dc.subject Jarðhitarannsóknir is
dc.subject Jarðhitanýting is
dc.subject Gróðurhús is
dc.subject Túnis is
dc.title Control systems for geothermal greenhouses in Tunisia : a study based on dynamic simulation en
dc.title.alternative Geothermal training in Iceland en
dc.type Bók is
dc.identifier.gegnir 991010425329706886


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