
Deep crustal drilling in Iceland : a preliminary report on the scientific aims and some necessary preparations for the project

Skoða venjulega færslu

dc.contributor Orkustofnun. Jarðhitadeild is
dc.contributor.author Icelandic National Committee for the Geodynamics Project is
dc.date.accessioned 2020-03-27T12:55:48Z
dc.date.available 2020-03-27T12:55:48Z
dc.date.issued 1975
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/10802/21803
dc.description Myndefni: kort, línurit. is
dc.format.extent 1 rafrænt gagn ([1], 16 bls.) is
dc.language.iso en
dc.publisher Orkustofnun is
dc.relation.ispartofseries Orkustofnun. ; OS-JHD-7538
dc.relation.uri http://www.os.is/gogn/Skyrslur/1975/OS-JHD-7538.pdf
dc.subject Jarðboranir is
dc.subject Borholur is
dc.title Deep crustal drilling in Iceland : a preliminary report on the scientific aims and some necessary preparations for the project en
dc.type Bók is
dc.identifier.gegnir 991010295079706886


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