
Nordic inspiration : fresh approaches to museum learning

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Titill: Nordic inspiration : fresh approaches to museum learningNordic inspiration : fresh approaches to museum learning
Höfundur: Alma Dís Kristinsdóttir 1969 ; Hildur Arna Gunnarsdóttir 1975 ; Sólrún Inga Traustadóttir 1981 ; Hlín Gylfadóttir 1972 ; Nordic associations of museum education
Ritstjóri: Bryndís Sverrisdóttir 1953 ; Bergsveinn Þórsson 1983
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10802/14813
Útgefandi: MID - Museum communicators in Denmark
Útgáfa: 2015
Efnisorð: Safnafræði; Safnfræðsla
Tungumál: Íslenska
Tengd vefsíðuslóð: http://pedaali.fi/sites/default/files/julkaisut/Nordic%20Inspiration%20for%20web.compressed.pdf
Tegund: Bók
Gegnir ID: 991008949999706886
Athugasemdir: Sérrit af MID Magasin nr. 33, 2015, ISSN: 1904-1721Editorial board: Maiju Tuisku, Eriika Johansson and Janna Jokela, Finland ; Lena Lindgren and Eva Tua Ekström, Sweden ; Per Helge Nylund and Ida Lützow-Holm, Norway ; Bergsveinn Þórsson and Bryndís Sverrisdóttir, Island : Dorthe Godsk Larsen and Tine Seligmann, Denmark.Meðal efnis: (be)come green! - sustainability and cultural heritage / Alma Dís Kristinsdóttir -- Green actions: arts and the environment / Hildur Arna Gunnarsdóttir -- Uncovering history [viðtal] /Sólrún Inga Traustadóttir -- The exhibition points of view. Museum educator and curator working side by side / Hlín GylfadóttirMyndefni: myndir.


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