
Icelandic chapter in the Polish book : a narrative perspective on Polish migration to Iceland

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Titill: Icelandic chapter in the Polish book : a narrative perspective on Polish migration to IcelandIcelandic chapter in the Polish book : a narrative perspective on Polish migration to Iceland
Höfundur: Helga Ólafsdóttir 1967 ; Woitynska, Anna
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10802/12987
Útgáfa: 2016
Efnisorð: Fólksflutningar (félagsfræði); Ísland; Pólland
Tungumál: Enska
Tengd vefsíðuslóð: http://www.pamieciprzyszlosc.pl/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Mar%C3%9Da-J%CB%87h%C3%B7nnud%CB%87ttir-WRHM-nr-VI-2016.pdf
Tegund: Tímaritsgrein
Gegnir ID: 991008372979706886
Birtist í: Wrocławski Rocznik Historii Mówionej 2016; 6: bls. 101-119


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MarÝa-Jˇh÷nnudˇttir-WRHM-nr-VI-2016.pdf 278.1Kb PDF Skoða/Opna Heildartexti

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