
Physical weathering and modification of a rhyolitic hyaloclastite in Iceland

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Titill: Physical weathering and modification of a rhyolitic hyaloclastite in IcelandPhysical weathering and modification of a rhyolitic hyaloclastite in Iceland
Höfundur: de Vet, Sebastiaan John ; Hazeleger-Mittelmeijer, M.C ; Braakhekke, J.J.M ; Cammeraat, L.H
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10802/12768
Útgáfa: 2014
Efnisorð: Veðrun; Bergfræði; Líparít; Eldgos; Jöklar; Ísland
Tungumál: Enska
Tengd vefsíðuslóð: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00445-014-0833-7
Tegund: Tímaritsgrein
Gegnir ID: 991008374809706886
Birtist í: Bulletin of volcanology. 2014; 76 (8): bls. 1-19
Athugasemdir: Myndefni: Myndir, kort, línurit, töflur.


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