
Grund gulls [ground of gold] : the trope of woman as "land" in skaldic poetry from the tenth to fourteenth centuries

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Titill: Grund gulls [ground of gold] : the trope of woman as "land" in skaldic poetry from the tenth to fourteenth centuriesGrund gulls [ground of gold] : the trope of woman as "land" in skaldic poetry from the tenth to fourteenth centuries
Höfundur: Osborne, Emily
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10802/12227
Útgáfa: 2015
Efnisorð: Íslensk fornbókmenntasaga; Íslendingasögur; Fornkvæði; Dróttkvæði; Kenningar (bragfræði); Myndmál; Konur
Tungumál: Enska
Tengd vefsíðuslóð: http://scancan.net/article.pdf?id=osborne_1_22
Tegund: Tímaritsgrein
Gegnir ID: 991007835869706886
Birtist í: Scandinavian-Canadian studies = Etudes scandinaves au Canada 2015; 22: bls. 26-51
Athugasemdir: Útdráttur á frönsku


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