
Distribution and abundance of O-group redfish in the Irminger Sea and at East-Greenland in 1970-94 and it's relation to Sebastes Marinus abundance index from the Icelandic groundfish survey

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Titill: Distribution and abundance of O-group redfish in the Irminger Sea and at East-Greenland in 1970-94 and it's relation to Sebastes Marinus abundance index from the Icelandic groundfish surveyDistribution and abundance of O-group redfish in the Irminger Sea and at East-Greenland in 1970-94 and it's relation to Sebastes Marinus abundance index from the Icelandic groundfish survey
Höfundur: Jutta V. Magnússon 1929 ; Garðar Jóhannesson 1967
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10802/11279
Útgáfa: 1995
Efnisorð: Karfi; Rannsóknir; Sjávarlíffræði; Grænlandshaf; Íslandshaf; Norður-Atlantshaf
Tungumál: Enska
Tengd vefsíðuslóð: http://www.ices.dk/sites/pub/CM%20Doccuments/1995/G/1995_G39.pdf
Tegund: Skannað verk; Tímaritsgrein
Gegnir ID: 991006770919706886
Birtist í: ICES CM 1995; G:39: bls. 1-21
Athugasemdir: Myndefni: Kort, línurit, töflur.


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