
International Peer Review of the Financial Audit Practice of the Icelandic National Audit Office report by the Supreme Audit Institutions of the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden, December 2013.

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Titill: International Peer Review of the Financial Audit Practice of the Icelandic National Audit Office report by the Supreme Audit Institutions of the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden, December 2013.International Peer Review of the Financial Audit Practice of the Icelandic National Audit Office report by the Supreme Audit Institutions of the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden, December 2013.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10802/11015
Útgefandi: [Ríkisendurskoðun]
Útgáfa: 01.2014
Efnisorð: Gæðaeftirlit; Endurskoðun; Stjórnsýsluúttekt; Ríkisendurskoðun
Tungumál: Enska
Tengd vefsíðuslóð: http://www.rikisendurskodun.is/fileadmin/media/skyrslur/Peer_review_financial_audit.pdf
Tegund: Bók
Gegnir ID: 991006662159706886


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